Critères de soumission d'un événement
A separate form must be completed for each event. Events that fit the criteria below will be posted within two weeks of the submission date.
• Open to the public and of interest to visitors
• Located in Salem, Marion County or Polk County
• Located outside Marion or Polk County, within 50 miles of Salem ~ partners only
• Not a meeting, convention or ceremony
• Meets the state’s health & safety requirements for minimizing the spread of COVID-19
• Not for religious, political, personal, pornographic, or propaganda purpose
Text: Please limit your event description to 35 words. We will include your Company/Event name, address and contact information in addition to the 35 words.
Image: For quality purposes, this should be at least 600 pixels wide and ideally 720 pixels or more. The height does not matter. A default image will be used if you do not upload an image.
Please complete all the fields in the form in order to have your event(s) listed on the event calendar. Once submitted, your event will go through an approval and editing process to insure it meets the event criteria. If your event doesn't fit the criteria you will receive an email notification.
Events that are submitted close to the actual event date(s) may not be posted in time. If your event happens before it is posted to the calendar, you will not be notified. Please allow a two-week or more lead time so your event can receive the maximum exposure.
Do you have changes to a current event listing?
To insure accuracy please email with your updated event information (include: title & date of your event, the changes and a phone number to reach you).